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It's my pleasure to share the arts and my lambs with others who are interested in a visit. Join me for birthday parties, art parties, family outings, or camp & class field trips. ~Alice Cappa


I'm carding wool.


Kids holding paper weavings.
girl weaving on tri-frame


highschoolers making paper
girl weaving on loom
students reaching into paper trays girl feeding bottle to a lamb
kids and sheep in pasture
demo at school assembly

[Please note, interior photos above were held at other venues. My activites are outdoors.]
Alice at spinning wheel     FiberArts activities provide a wealth of color and texture in an experiential, playful learning process. Children have the opportunity to spend time with nature, making art and visiting with the sheep. See how a sheep's "blanket" ends up on your bed. Or the colors of nature transfer from berries, barks, & flowers to your scarf or hat. Come and enjoy the new lambs.
      Not hobby-art, I offer traditional crafts using some authentic natural materials.
Whether I go to you for a classroom visit, or you come to me for a field trip, kids will enjoy the fiber process.
     Your visit begins with a general demo for the group, then moves to visiting the sheep. See the whole weaving process, including the spinning wheel, loom, raw fibers, dye materials and finished items. Or see the paper-making process with varied materials for sight, texture, color, and scent. Additional, optional projects from the list below are available for individuals to take home. Age-appropriate guides are included. All my activities are held outdoors, predominantly under tents or covered deck. Or if your travel is limited or you have a large group, I can come to you, bringing all equipment, projected slides, and possibly a lamb, if small enough to travel. An optional newsletter (samples) can document your visit with a colorful photo/memento for both kids and parents. kids feeding sheep in pasture

    Add to your curriculum! Fiberarts add a heightened experience by relating to other activities in your theme or program. Link to storytelling by focusing on spinning in Sleeping Beauty or Rumplestiltskin. Link to weaving and dyeing with the story of Woolbur, the lamb. Link to drawing and painting with textures, patterns, and nature's colors. Relate to science with dye formulas or mechanical equipment. Relate to math with measurements. Link to clay by sculpting and molding the form of a real sheep. Or link to digital imagery by photographing the antics of a live lamb. And use dyes & handmade paper for club logos or medallions. The demos are an educational and fun experience, and I welcome field trips from After Schools, Camps, Homeschools, Daycare, private groups or parties, as well as art classes during the school year.

For Field Trips/Visits or at Your Site:
Demos in Weaving/Spinning or Paper-Making....and Sheep Visits.

Your group will see an overall demo, learn about the sheep, then may break up into optional, individual projects to take home with you. For all groups up to 40 kids.

 * Some projects below may be highlighted in purple for older kids only, small groups of a dozen or less.
  **Most groups and projects require help, especially for the little ones, and I ask that you bring an adult aide per every 5 kids.
Choose basic demo in weaving/spinning, or paper-making.      ~ 1 hr        ~ $95

~ Appropriate for all ages

Spinning/Weaving is especially varied and colorful, which includes the complete processing of fibers to yarns to weaving the finished fabric. See how a harness-loom and spinning wheel works. We include patterns, textures, dye / fiber sources, and handspun yarns. Children may try their hand at the loom. The Paper-Making process also follows fiber as it is churned to pulp, mixed with other fibers, screened and "couched" into sheets of paper. We mix in recycled papers and embellish with natural scents and textures: seeds, petals, leaves, spices, yarns, trims & glitter. Children add their textures to the mix.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
To add to your visit and have the kids creating something of their own to take with them, please allow for more time and materials.
Choose from "packages" listed below.

Note: "Dyed 'N Wool" demos take part bi-annually in Tallahassee's Farm Tour. See various demos and activities in a Prezi slide presentation.
(clicking on the little "sun" icon on right of screen should play it automatically, but you may have to click or use keyboard arrows.)

Optional Activity "Packages":
see samples: demos, newsletter, & specific projects below
paper weavings Pkg.1: Spinning & Weaving: Paper weaving
*Demo: Spinning wheel, 4-harness loom, with fleece, yarns, colors, simpler looms & finished items
*Sheep visit - Learn, feed, & pet
*Newsletter: originally formatted with colorful photos of your visit.
*Activity:   a. paper weaving with colorful wallpapers, shapes, and patterns
         Or �. b. BYO photo and weave your own portrait.
~ Samples  ~ 1 � hrs  ~ $155 ~ Age appropriate: K-primary+, or parent/child team

Pkg.2: Spinning & Weaving: Yarn weaving
*Demo: Spinning wheel, 4-harness loom, with fleece, yarns, colors, simpler looms & finished items
*Sheep visit- Learn, feed, & pet
*Newsletter: originally formatted with colorful photos of your visit.
*Vocab list of terms & techniques
*Activity: a. yarn weaving: colorful textured fibers on cardboard looms of various shapes (make pockets, mats, or hanging.)
         Or�.b. branch weaving: colored yarns wound on forked branches, inspired by Native American fans and dreamcatchers. Small groups only or parent/child team.
         Or ..c. yarn weaving on wooden frames* - make mats, pockets, pillows, or tapestry. Small groups only.*

* Note: these are take-home projects to be finished at your own pace. Weaving is a time-consuming craft which requires individual work time. Optional follow-up, check & finish session is available at $30/hr. After kids have had time to work I can visit again to help and show various finishes, at your site or mine.
rigid-heddle loom

cardboard and yarn weaving
~ Samples
branch weaving

~ 2 hrs

~2.5 hrs:

~  a or b: $215

~  c: $265
(includes frame)
~  Optional follow-up session:

~ Age appropriate:
     -cardboard or branches:
    3rd grade +,  or parent/child team.
    - *wood: 4th & 5th grade +, or parent/child team

round weaving


gathered around dyepots on fire

Pkg.3: Spinning & Weaving & Color: Natural Dyes
*Demo: Spinning wheel, 4-harness loom, with fleece, yarns, colors, with focus on the world of color from plants, vegetables, nut hulls, minerals and trees.
*Sheep visit- Learn, feed, & pet
*Newsletter: originally formatted with colorful photos of your visit.
*Color Wheel: printout for each
*Scavenger Hunt/Dye Trail - find local plants and natural sources of dyes
*Home "Treasure Hunt" list of dye materials you might bring for our project, to be sent before our visit
*Activity:  a. "Dyestuff" is prepared and a length of handspun yarn is provided for each child, to be dipped in 1-2 dyepots heated on the fire. Make braided arm or hair band, or bookmark.

         or.... b. BYO T-shirt or fabric (scarves, pillowcases, etc.) of 100% cotton for tied patterns in 2 natural dye colors. Small groups only.
         or ... c. BYO shirts or fabric of predominantly synthetic fiber (make flags, banners, club logos) to be designed with dye-crayons and 1 natural dye color. A simple encaustic (hot wax) process, dye crayons are permanent through wash & wear. The cooled, liquid natural dye provides a background. Small groups only.  

~ Samples
~ 1.5 hrs
~ 2 hrs
a:  $165, includes yarn, or b.
c:  $205
~ Age appropriate:
  a: K-primary+,
  b. or c:  3rd grade +, or parent/child team

Pkg.4: Handmade Paper - Collage
*Demo: Paper-making process from screening pulp to "couching" pages and adding textures, colors, & scent.
*Sheep visit- Learn, feed, & pet
*Newsletter: originally formatted with colorful photos of your visit.
*"Treasure Hunt" list of forage materials you might bring for our project, (yarns, ribbons, petals, seeds, spices, feathers,) to be sent before our visit.
* Activity: a: Group Collage, blending colors and textures into a design for class project,
                     or cut into individual mementos (bookmarks, mugmats, photomats, flower shapes, greeting cards,etc.)
           or....b: Treasure Maps - Individual, textured relief map of colors and shapes that tell a story or follow a path**
          or.... c: Mask - Individuals form paper pulp into a facemask. To be further decorated or painted when dry. Small groups only.**

highschoolers making paper

** Note: these are take-home projects to be finished at your own pace. b. & c. will need additional finishing with markers, paint, or cut-paper decorations. All paper projects are carried home wet (stacked in a bundle) and will dry within 1-3 days.

~ 2 hrs

~2.5 hrs
~ Samples

~ Includes all pulp prep:   $230

~ b or c,     "     "     "  : $255

~ Age appropriate:
   * Collages:  K & primary +
   * Maps & Masks:    3rd grade +, or parent/child team

Pkg.5: Party Package *Choose any activity above.
*Drinks (lemonade or juice) and balloons provided.
*Though I don't do cakes, you may add as much time as you like for munchies, decor, & gifts at no extra cost.
* Fee is equal to the chosen activity.
        ~ See more on Parties below.
~ Time open    ~ $see activity ~ Age appropriate: any age with parent/child team;
   Small groups only.

Scheduling & Fee Options

Scheduling is limited, especially during hot and cold months, so have an alternate date in mind. Rain dates can be rescheduled, or if it's just a little drizzly, small groups can still meet undercover. Best for me are usually Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays. If you need a specific date, please allow me up to 1 - 2 months notice.
All visits include *Demos and *Sheep visits/feeding and are based on time/preparation (rather than head count) which is $95/hr. Optional, individual projects require additional time and most all materials are inclusive. All visits require much preparation and advance notice, so please contact me in early. To reserve a date, half deposit is due with balance due on arrival. In return, you'll receive a receipt, directions, statement/description of your requested activity, and blank waivers . Or you may print out the waiver form for each child. Why waivers? .

      If you are requesting a demo or activity for a classroom during the school year, see school rates at Just For Schools. I try to accomodate classrooms at reduced rates to encourage more art in the schools.

    Contact me by email or phone (850-997-5505) with your request for demo, additional projects, or party ideas for your group, and tell me date, type of activity, number and ages of children, etc. The form below will help you clarify ideas. I will respond with options, and other lists or age-appropriate ideas.


elementary kids making paper

General Demos:
*General groups/basic demos/presentations only (up to 40 kids)... $95/hr.
Example: camps, schools, party group.

*Small groups (8 kids & under)...$75/hr. Basic demos/visits only.
(extra individual + $10).
Packaged activities remain at their fee.

*Organized class with pre-registration...$10-15 ea., depending on class. Example: I set up a class to do handmade paper treasure maps, or an intro class in weaving, or experiment and learn about natural dyes.

*Individual instruction...$25/hr. Example, you want to learn the 4-harness loom or make your own triangle loom, or you have a spinning wheel and want instruction on how to use it. (note: this can be for older kids or adults)

*Individual kids....$12ea.(parents are free). Example, you're not part of a group or class, but want to bring your kids to see the sheep and workings of the loom and spinning wheel.

To Add an Activity, see packages above.

Because time/preparation, scheduling, materials, etc, please note the following:

* At the time of the statement, deposit is due to hold the date.
* If you need to cancel, notify me within 3 weeks of your visiting date and I will return your deposit less 10% of the total statement amount.
* If you need to cancel after that, deposits are non-refundable.

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I often take my Dyed 'N Wool demos to other locations and events. Contact me l if your organization, club,
school, or festival would like a visit. Teachers, see "Just For Schools".

demo at St. Joe Park
kids making art at Grey Museum
demo at private party
girls on loom at Thomasville Youth Fest.
Alice spinning at Mayhaw Fest.    Alice spinning at Mission San Luis
St. Joe Community Park
Museum of Florida History
private party at
FairyTale Farm
Thomasville Youth Festival
Mayhaw Festival, GoldenAcres Farm;
& Mission San Luis

Regarding Sheep

Lamb - SnoBelle  Ewe and lamb
    My "farmette" is not a large sheep farm but a small homestead. Since the covid years, I am now shepherding just 2 sheep: one ewe, Missy Moon, and one ram, Spatz. When quiet, children may approach and pet and feed them within a small pasture. They love mimosa leaves and will gladly eat them from your hand.
   About the sheep: They are mostly Shetland, a smallish breed with long, soft, very fine wool. Missy is two-toned, black and white w/shades of grays. Spatz is pure white with long curling horns. Seasonal photos posted on my "YarnTalk" page.

My "farmette" sits just west of Monticello, FL., off Hwy. 90. There are the sheep areas, garden, studio, and covered art deck between pasture and woods. Groups meet there for demos and class projects. With your registration, you will receive a map and directions. Allow 40-50min. from Tallahasee. Do NOT rely on GPS ( it may add 30" to 1 hr. to your trip.)

Alternative site: yours. I will bring all equipment and workshop supplies. Contact me for more info.

      Regarding Parties

Birthday kids with color wheels.
   In addition to a demo or art project, if you are celebrating a birthday party or other event, space is provided on the deck for a covered table. I provide drinks (lemonade or apple juice, and water), and some festive banners and balloons. Though I don't do cakes, you may bring whatever munchies, gifts, or games you'd like for as much time as you need at no additional cost. Making art for your special date creates great memories and we can present special activities for small groups. In the event of inclement weather, parties/ demos/ workshops may be rescheduled.

* * * * *

 Why waivers? This is my home and I want all visitors to feel comfortable, including the animals. The waivers protect us all - adults, children, and animals, a good-will gesture where we can then focus on enjoying art and nature. It's very simple language covering one time and one place, at my home only. Waivers are not necessary for demos and workshops held at your site.
waiver form
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About me. . .
My years of demo and workshop experience as an artist/educator in the schools have covered several ongoing artist residencies in five surrounding counties of Tallahassee, Florida, over 35 years.

  • VSA workshops with P-K, kids and adults with disabilities (Leon, Jefferson, & Madison,(FL) counties)
  • Artist-In-Education programs with school districts and Cultural Centers: Leon, Jefferson, Gadsden, & Thomas (GA) counties
  • Presenter with Art Instruction Schools, visiting area middle and highschools across the FL panhandle
  • Working artist, active in galleries & juried shows
  • background: BS & MS, Art Education;  AS, Graphic Design & Multimedia
  • Awards for my fiberarts: many 1st, 2nds, 3rds, & patron awards.
  • Alternate interests: homesteading, travel, writing & book-making.
     ~ currently TCC tutor of reading & writing.

more on my work, this site, and contact info.

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How do I reserve an activity?
    Contact me by email or phone (850-997-5505) to discuss your plans. A general form provided below will help you determine
your choices of activities, dates, size of group, etc.

When can we do this?
   My class days are limited, but usually Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays are good. Best time is around 10-10:30am, to avoid afternoon showers. If you are planning for specific dates, such as summer camp, or birthdays, please give me up to a couple months notice. Most of my activities are in summer, however, private groups and school class visits can be scheduled year round.

  What do I need to bring with me?
   Since most reservations are made with a half-deposit, you will bring the balance due (cash, check, or MC/Visa, or use PayPal before you come: "send" to my email or phone). Also bring the waivers for everyone in your group. Waivers address photographing, being around animals or a fire. For most activities,
you bring nothing but the children. I provide all equipment and materials for the demo of your choice. And the sheep. However, if it's at your site, see off-site activities below. You should also prepare for a day in the country: bug spray, maybe a sunhat, and your camera.
    What you bring for a "party" (food, gifts, games) is up to you. See Parties.

Whatis needed to provide for a hands-on project for everyone?
   Depends on the activity, but usually nothing. However, each requires having enough material for each child and especially for large groups, if you can help bring supplies for certain projects, we'll all have a richer experience. These can range from a T-shirt; plastic bowl; dye material such as flowers, berries, or onion skins; or paper fibers from junk mail or colored string. But most everything is provided here.

Is this an ongoing activity with kids circulating on their own?
   No. This is an organized presentation or project for the group together, that may last from 40-50 minutes for demos, with additional hour+- for projects. Larger groups may be divided and rotated between the demo, sheep, and any activitiies. It includes discussion, demonstration, interaction and Q&A. Terms and activities are adjusted for various age levels.

Is there a minimum or maximum number of children?
At my site, no minimum. At this time, 40 kids max with an adult per every 5 kids. This may be negotiable later.
At your site: no minimum nor maximum, but adult aides are still helpful.

What about costs?
    It depends on the time you want to spend and which activities you'd like to do. My rates are based on time and preparation, not head count, so the general demo/basic visit is $95/hr for as many kids as you want to bring (up to 40). More involved projects with materials included are itemized into the "packages" above. Or you could opt for just the demo and sheep visit alone.
I'm offering traditional crafts with some authentic natural materials. So for a group of 40, consider that I will collect materials such as basket vines, dye plants, or churning enough pulp for paper, pre-cutting looms, and spinning enough yarn to last through everyone's project. Refer to fees & parties.

Are these same activities available for the classroom?
     Mostly, with adjustments for age, space, and materials available. Please see Just For Schools.

What's involved for off-site activities?
   If I come to you, I'll bring all equipment necessary for your chosen demo and/or activity. This saves you time and mileage, but you miss the sheep. I'll need to park as close to your door as possible and will need help unloading. Set-up takes about 15 minutes, preferably in an area where kids can be seated in an arc around the equipment. If doing an activity, we'll need to arrange worktables and materials, and possibly a wet or dry area.
A computer and projected screen are nice, if you have them.

Examples of activities I've done in schools or off-site:
   *natural dyes in a kitchen with lines of campers filing in to add their part;
   *natural dyes outside the door on a charcoal grill.
   *paper-collages with 2 or more groups circulating, with pre-k or pre-teens.
   *weaving on cardboard looms through a succession of 4 days of techniques.
   *weaving/spinning demo for an all-school assembly,
      then breaking to an individual class for paper-weaving.
   *triangle-weaving on wooden frames (school custodian made the frames) through successive days.
   *Sharing a lamb with lines of campers eager to pet or feed him. This required a closed-in yard and someone to supervise while I continued with the projects.

What's in the newsletter?
    It's a one-page, colorful description of your activities here, with photos and a message from the lambs. This documents your visit and is emailed for your distribution to all participants and parents. I like doing graphics and want to include this for your gorup. But for editing photos and formatting the page, please allow 3-4 days after your visit.

What about party food?
   For the children, I provide drinks - possibly lemonade or apple juice, and water. Though I don't do cakes, you may provide anything else, including birthday cakes or other celebratory munchies. For the sheep? Mimosa would be nice. :-)

Are the animals friendly?
   Yes, over-friendly. If you have food in your hand, the sheep may eagerly grab for it. But they are cautious. If you are loud or run towards them, they will run away. Two dogs also love company, but if they are a problem for anyone, they can be penned.

    How do I find you?
   Prior to your visit, I'll send a map & directions with your statement, and whatever lists may apply to your activity. Please read the map/directions and pass on to your drivers. GPS is "iffy" out here and can add as much as an hour to your trip, so don't rely on it. Allow 40-50min. from Tally. When you arrive, park on the road and I'll meet you at the top of the drive.  

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Interest Form:
Think about what you'd like to do, then contact me by phone or email.

What grade level do you have: __Pre-K - 1st;   __1st-3rd;   __3rd - 6th;  __teens;
How large is your group:  __dozen or less;  __12-25;  __up to 40;
What venue do you prefer:  __field trip to my site;  __I travel to your site.
When:  ______1st choice date;  ______2nd choice date;  _____raindate?
    Time:  ________ am;   ________pm;
How much time can you schedule? ____hrs.   Consider travel time (40-45 min), lunch & bus schedules.
Traveling by large bus or several cars/vans?    __bus; __cars/vans.

What craft process would you like to learn about?  __weaving/spinning;  __paper-making; __other.

Would you like the kids to create an individual/take-home activity:
       __simple weaving;  __more complex weaving(frames, baskets, etc.);  __paper collages/maps,etc;  
       __ simple dyes;  __ more complex dye projects;

Can you help provide for extra materials, if needed:
   ___(vegie leaves, berries, flowers, scrap yarns, glitter, photographs, t-shirts, etc.)

Is this a party occasion: __yes, w/food, gifts, games;    yes,  __w/just an art activity;     __no.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Dyed 'N The Wool
FiberArt Activities
For Kids
Art Parties, Birthdays, Classesrooms,
Summer Camp Field Trips
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