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  It's my pleasure to share the arts and my lambs with others who are interested in a visit. Join us for birthday parties, art parties, or class field trips. ~ Alice




  Samples from the Activities
 Schedule          Parties             Location           About me            Waivers  
Photos from the campers...
.   Anna'sBirthday  .   Creative Child  .  FairytaleFarm  . Homeschools

Growing Room .   .  KinderSchoolCamp .   LafayetteA&C Camp  .   JeffersonArts  .   Mission San Luis , Micc.Land Co-op .
Pt.St.Joe/RileyHs/ThomasvilleCulturalCtr  .  
Wakulla 21st Century Camp . Taylor Gymnastics

See also photos from the schools & projects:


Art Camp at Miccosukee Land Co-op had a whole week of weaving, which ended up with such a great variety of colors & shapes. Projects included hangings, mats, pillows, & pockets or wallets. At the end of the week, they came to visit the sheep.
Did you know blueberries are a dye? We also dyed some handspun yarn with dogfennel, marigolds, & onion skins.
Demos included the spinning wheel and loom. We also read the story of Woolbur, a lamb who likes to spin, weave, & dye his wool while it's still on him. Very funny.
To finish, we bound edges, knotted, and fringed. Some are round, square, or rectangles, or woven on both sides.

Enticing the sheep with mimosa. They love it.

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The Growing Room saw some of the comic side of the animals. . . Even Lulu, the dog, will graze with the sheepBelow, Sprinkles is doing her yoga stretch.

At Creative Child, I visited them. We had a large group divided into 3 activities going at once...The spinning/weaving demos led into a contest: who can spin the longest yarn from a cotton ball?One group split off for a story, a lamb who spins & weaves his own wool - while it's still on him! Others tried out the loom.But the big project was outside under tents. We prepared several tables for hand-made paper.

Each wet station held tubs of colored pulp & screens to layer the pulp into sheets.
Each dry station held textures,fibers, glitter, etc. Finished collages dried in the sun.

The kids from Mission San Luis really got into the weaving. Picking mimosa for the sheep, and playing with the dogs.

Several budding weavers in this group. Below, can you find the hidden camper?




Lafayette A&C Summer Camp arrived on the Old Town Trolley. We visited with the sheep,
made natural dyes, and saw wool spun, woven, and dyed.

What a great field trip!
"Swee'Pea", a 2 mo.-old lamb has been bottle-fed, and so is very friendly.
The other sheep have learned that when visitors come,
there's always food ready.


Two-wk-old twins, 'Nilla & Nutmeg, were born
just in time for this visit.
Sprinkles, the twin's mom, gets right in there for her bite of mimosa.
Our dye was made up of natural fruits & flowers, mostly roses and blueberries, which turned our tongues blue, too.
Each camper gets a length of wool, long enough to braid into an armband. While waiting for the yarns to dye,
we saw wool spun on the spinning wheel, and a few of us tried the loom.

The roses, berries, & other fruits looked good enough to eat.



Time to leave. We gathered our dyed yarns, which turned out a beautiful blue/violet or a soft gold, to be beaded & braided into armbands.
Then we headed for the trolley.


(3 days later) ..."They're still talkin' about it!"


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At FairyTale Farm, we worked the loom, saw raw wool spun, and dyed yarn. Everyone received a wool bracelet dyed from bright yellow onion skins.

Back at my "farmette", another group,
saw that the "little" lamb, Dingo,
had grown.

And after another season,
young lambs are back.

Mimosa leaves taste great.
My mixed breeds of sheep come in so many different colors, but Suffolks (with white bodies and black legs and faces)
have coal black lambs. As they grow, their wool changes to white.
To see more on the sheep, including the shearing process, click on "YarnTalk".
Birthday Party
This time we dyed with dogfennel and deep, gold sassafras.
"I loved being able to have my birthday at a sheep farm!" ~Anna

"Some of the things I particularly loved were just being in the field with the sheep and trying(!) to feed them, smelling the wood fire, picking the plants to make the dye, touching/investigating the different types of wool, and spending time with other moms/kids...." ~Heather

   Dyed'N Wool demos/workshops also go to other events or schools for hands-on experiences. Above photos are from Port St.Joe's Spring Festival, Riley House's Rockathon, and Thomasville Cultural Center's Children's Festival.

Thanks so much for coming out, They were so Enthused - ~Jamilla. (SIPP school).

"You did it again!! Another great guest appearance by your sheep & yourself! (Lee too!) Thank you so much for coming to visit us each year....Patti & the Preschool & Kindergarten. (Celebration Baptist Church)

KinderSchool Summer Camp visits the sheep.
Campers try the loom, see wool spun into yarn, pet and feed the sheep, then stay for a picnic.
Lambs are wary of getting too close, but the moms are always ready for a hand-out.
" We came back to school and drew pictures! The kids had a BLAST."

 had a great group come for dyeing...

    Blueberries again, dogfennel, and lots of local plants around the center. While waiting for the blue and yellow dyes...

 we watched wool spun on the spinning  wheel and talked about the many  textures of  yarn and where color really comes from..


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Dyed 'N The Wool Parties