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Individual balls, skeins, & rovings are gradually being added to this page. If you are interested in more than what's shown,
please check back again and/or contact me with your needs.
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Texture is palpable, visible, tactile.
A handspinner has a particular touch and every yarn is unique. Let the factories bind the fibers in uniform, plain, and look-alike cloned yarns. Handspinning has a life apart.
Shetland wool is fine, soft, and can be almost as fuzzy as mohair, or smooth as thread.
Finely spun, or thick/thin textures, may be NATURAL, DYED, PLIED, OR ART YARNS.
* SKEINS: unique textures (thicker slubs or boucles) of varying lengths.
* BALLS: uniform gauge (fine thick/thin flake) measured at 130 yds.
Though I've collected a variety of fleeces over the years, my current sheep are Shetland blends, which to me, has softened the fuzziness of pure Shetland . Meet the girls....

Dyed Roving
*Dyed may be varigated with shades of blues, or with amber, or beige. No two are alike. Wound into 1 oz. balls.

Natural Black Roving
*Actually looks dark chocolate,but pure black Shetland wool.

Milled as lightweight, fine fibered 1-inch wide ropes of wools, I find these rovings to be finer and easier to spin than denser rovings.

White Roving
* White Rovings are wound into
1 and 3 oz. balls.

* Raw wool straight off the sheep. Lightly tagged, but otherwise unwashed. If you like spinning with raw lanolin & prefer to do the processing yourself, try a raw fleece.
* Tagged & lightly washed, still with enough lanolin for soft spinning.

Dyed Skeins
*Skeins are of varying lengths and textures. No two are alike.
Great accents!

Swee' Pea & lamb

White Skeins
*Skeins are of varying lengths and textures. No two are alike.
Great accents!

White Balls
more uniformly fine, each ball measured at 130 yards.


Art Yarn

The Girls


at Spinning Wheel with bags of fleeces
~ my version of Rumplestiltzkin? ~

The ol' fashioned coke bottle perched upper left in photo is for scale.


Shetland Roving:
Hand-dyed in Vari-colors,
...each is unique.

Above, dark blues/ purple/rose/white; #1 & #2, 1 oz. balls, Sheep:"Swee'Pea". $12ea.


Above left,
#3,  .8oz. ball.
Sheep: "Swee'Pea". $11.

#4,  .75oz. ball,
Sheep:"SnoBelle", $11

#8 & #11: 1 oz. balls, (larger than a softball) 90%blues/teal/amber/white
, Sheep: "Oreo". $12ea.

Natural brown Shetland roving. Very dark. Milled differently, this roving is about 2" wide. 4 in stock, 1 oz.balls.
~ Also shown, a ball of spun yarn. Thicker/plied, 1.5 oz, 65 yds. $18 (Pen is for scale.)

Dyed Roving Detail

Shetland Roving:
Natural white ....

D. At left, #"A" , 3 oz. ball, white, $18, Sheep: "Oreo"
(larger than a canteloupe)

E. At right, (20 in stock), 1 oz. balls, (larger than a softball)
Sheep: "Oreo", $6ea.


Shetland Yarns,  Natural White...
Wound into uniform balls of 130yds,

Sheep: Swee'Pea.
$19 ea.
... The apple and pencil show scale.

Yarn Detail These yarns take advantage of Shetland's fine texture and, though have a slight thick/thin slub, are spun finely with a uniform size.

Varigated light aqua yarn, thick/thin flake, 87.5 yds, $19, Sheep: Spatz

The Girls...

        Spatz is a young wether
(all grown up now) with soft,
fine "winter white" wool. As a lamb,
he was cute and funny, and seemed to
want to wear a top hat and "spatz" and dance across the pasture. Crimp is about
4-6 inches and spins a fine,
smooth yarn, or a thicker slub, as desired. Not as fuzzy as some Shetlands, his wool is soft and smooth.

Swee'Pea - the recent matriarch of the flock, is slightly more fuzzy and in her younger days, filled out like a ball of cotton candy. She is also all white with soft texture. MissyMoon has black face, legs, and some dark wool on her belly. Her sheared fleece above shows the rich texture and slight range of varigated shades.
DixieBelle, Swee'Pea's grandmother, was an older matriarch of the flock. Not full-blood Shetland, she crossed with Cheviot, Suffolk, & Barbados. These blends softened the fuzziness of Shetland, and though a shorter staple, her "grandma" wool got softer as she aged. Limited amounts available.

Weaves by Cappa ~ Alice Cappa ~ acappa@alicecappa.com
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